Young Adult Ministry
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Stewardship: It’s not ‘tipping God’
Speakers define ‘giving’ as more than money, a response to God’s overwhelming love (click here)
Remember when…? for April 2018
Some of what happened in April over the course of 60 years of archdiocesan history (click here)
The meaning behind the symbols
Ring is a reminder that he serves in the manner of Jesus, the Good Shepherd (click here)
Hundreds helped to apply for citizenship
Catholic Legal Services attorneys, volunteers take part in New Americans mega event (click here)
Christmas Greeting from the Pastor
Dear Brothers and Sisters: At this special and sacred time of the year, I wish to extend to you and your loved ones Christmas greetings and best wishes for the New Year. While we might recall difficult times and frustrations in 2016, we continue with faith, love, joy and hope, […]
Thanksgiving Prayer
Thanksgiving Day Blessing (as you gather at the table) (click to continue)
Therese: The Story of a Soul
This Friday, December 2 at 7:00 p.m. Church doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the office 954-941-7647 and Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the door. Get your tickets to see this magnificent performance. (trailer)
Vatican: Cremated bodies may not be scattered
New instruction clarifies teaching on cremation (Read more)