Dear Young Adults,
Greetings in the Lord!
To you brothers and sisters, may we extend our encouragement and assurance of our support in your journey of faith in life. While currently you are establishing yourself in a career, whether single or contemplating partnerships, and perhaps choosing a local residence, we’d like to be of support in your spiritual life and relationship with God in a community of faith.
Locally, parishes and pastoral leaders wish to not only recognize but to incorporate and utilize our Young Adults in Catholic Communities of faith and service.
Although we may not be huge in number, our desire and focus is the establishing of outreach and activities – spiritual, social and for service on an inter-parochial or deanery basis here in N.E. Broward.
Please receive this personal invitation, and feel free to share this welcome with others who may be interested in such meetings and opportunities for fellowship and faith growth.
We look forward to meeting you at our first organizational meeting to listen to your ideas and recommendations. The meeting will be on Saturday, September 10 at 7:00 p.m. Perhaps you would like to join us beforehand at the 6:00 p.m. Mass.
Fr. Michael J. Greer