Rosemary LaSala’s Funeral Mass (former Eucharistic Minister and wife of Michael) will be today, Monday 11/9 at 1:00pm.
Margaret Connolly Memorial Mass
There will be a Memorial Mass for Margaret Connolly on Thursday, October 29th at 7:00pm at Assumption. Margaret was the mother of our head usher at our 8:00am Sunday Mass, Frank Connolly. We express our condolences to the family and offer prayers for Margaret.
Blessing of St. Michael Statue
All are welcome to join us in the blessing of our new St. Michael statue on Sunday, November 1st at noon in our future Marian Prayer Garden.
All Souls Envelopes
Please note that envelopes for All Souls Day will be out this weekend. Please return them by 11/2/2020 so we can place your intentions on the altar for the following novena.
2020 Census
Debido a la pandemia, la fecha para la conclusión del censo de EE. UU. Se extendió hasta el lunes 5 de octubre. Aparentemente, las tasas de participación son muy bajas, y varias agencias están ansiosas de que aquellos que no han respondido al Censo lo hagan antes del lunes. Cada persona debe ser contada, porque […]
2020 Census
Because of the Pandemic, the date for the US Census to be concluded has been extended to Monday, Oct. 5th. Apparently participation rates are very low – and various agencies are anxious that those who have not responded to the Census do so by Monday. Every person should be counted, because every person counts!
Blue Mass 9/29/2020 at 5:30pm
Join us via Facebook Live for the Blue Mass honoring our First Responders on Tuesday at 5:30pm beginning with Patriotic Rosary at 4:30pm. Blessings to all! Unfortunately we are at capacity for seating in the Church so we kindly ask that you tun in via our Livestream.
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses Livestream
Click the link below to tune into our weekend Livestreamed Masses on Facebook Live Saturday 9/19 at 4:00pm (English) Sunday 9/20 at 12:30pm (Spanish)
Weekend Masses Livestream Link
Click the link below to tune into our weekend Livestreamed Masses on Facebook Live Saturday 8/29 at 4:00pm (English) Sunday 8/30 at 12:30pm (Spanish)