Mensaje Importante del Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski: Reapertura de las Iglesias para la celebración de Misas
Queridos feligreses: Al reabrir nuestras iglesias para la celebración de la Misa y los Sacramentos con el Pueblo de Dios presente y participando activamente, reconocemos que no podemos eliminar el muy posible riesgo de infección por el nuevo coronavirus o COVID-19. Sin embargo, sus párrocos y yo estamos comprometidos a reducir el riesgo tanto como […]
Letter from Archbishop Wenski
ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI Office of the Archbishop May 18,2020 Dear parishioners, As we reopen our churches for the celebration of the Mass and Sacraments with the People of God present and actively participating, we recognize that we cannot eliminate the very possible risk of infection from the novel corona virus or COVID-19. However, your parish […]
11 Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions | May 2020 ON RECEIVING IN THE HAND I believe there has always been a certain amount of liturgical practice praeter ius (apart from the law) and contra ius (contrary to law). It would be my opinion that practices contrary to the law should not take place without a […]
Welcome Back!
Brothers & Sisters of Assumption Parish, Alleluia! Come back! Below I am attaching the letter from our Archbishop Thomas Wenski about re-opening our Church(es). This will begin for weekdays on Tuesday, May 26th at 9:00am and for Sunday and its vigils the following Saturday/Sunday (May 30-31). What will be so crucial in the process […]
Bible Study
Dear friends, Click the link below to check out this short video of our Bible Study lead by David Adams. This is an opportunity to get a better understanding of the Word of God, learn interesting info and more. God bless!
A Message from Fr. Greer
Greetings in the Lord! While it may range from a “long time” since we’ve met, or through the online Masses provided by Facebook, I truly miss seeing and speaking with you in person. And while none of us appreciates the separation, we might give greater consideration to how we’ve utilized our time. While you might […]
Happy Mother’s Day from Fr. Greer
Greetings in the Lord and especially to Our Mothers! Yearly, people throughout the world select a day for these special ladies we know and love. While remembering their cooking, care for us, cleaning us up amidst our problems—but what often endures and encourages us – is her counsel! She would show and share a wisdom […]
Mother’s Day Envelopes/Novena
This weekend is Mother’s Day. We will still be saying our annual Mother’s Day novena despite not being able to congregate. We kindly ask that you still mail in your donation envelopes with names to put on the altar for the novena. If you are concerned that your envelope will not arrive here in time, […]