Dear Parishioners: With the approach of Isaias and all of the uncertainty with it, we likewise are unsure how it might affect our weekend Masses. Unless we are directed/advised to the contrary by the county officials, we will celebrate those liturgies: Saturday @ 4pm and 6pm; Sunday @ 8am, 10:30am, and 12:30pm. Let us keep […]
Assumption Mass on Facebook Live Saturday, 8/1 at 4:00pm
Our English Mass at Assumption is now streaming on Saturdays at 4pm! Click the link below where you can watch and participate live, and the recording is still accessible all weekend long!
Estimados parroquianos: Desde que la Arquidioses abrio la iglesia hace unas semanas, la asistencia a misa ha mermado a niveles bajo lo normal. Comprendemos las razones de ustedes y entendemos el temor a estar en areas congestionadas. La decision de asistir a misa es decidida por cada persona. Con la disminucion en asistencia tambien ha […]
Dear Assumption Parishioners: Since the Archdiocese reopened the church a few weeks ago, our mass attendance has been severely reduced from normal levels. We understand the reasons for this and can empathize with our fellow parishioners about their fear of crowded areas. The decision to attend mass can only be made by each individual. With […]
Arzobispo Gómez: El racismo ha sido tolerado durante demasiado tiempo en EE.UU.
WASHINGTON | El arzobispo José H. Gómez de Los Ángeles, presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de EE.UU., emitió una declaración el 31 de mayo de 2020 sobre George Floyd y las protestas en las ciudades americanas que han tenido lugar en los últimos días. Esto sigue a la declaración del viernes de siete obispos […]
Archbishop Gomez: Racism has been tolerated for too long in U.S.
WASHINGTON | Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a statement May 31, 2020 on George Floyd and the protests in American cities that have taken place over the last several days. This follows the Friday statement from seven U.S. bishop chairmen of committees within the USCCB (see […]
Florida Catholic / La Voz Católica ONLINE EDITIONS
Hello, dear friends, As we begin to emerge from this long quarantine, I pray that you all are staying healthy and keeping your sense of humor. This is to remind you that the Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica for the month of May are out – once again, in digital only format since our […]
Mensaje Importante del Arzobispo Thomas G. Wenski: Reapertura de las Iglesias para la celebración de Misas
Queridos feligreses: Al reabrir nuestras iglesias para la celebración de la Misa y los Sacramentos con el Pueblo de Dios presente y participando activamente, reconocemos que no podemos eliminar el muy posible riesgo de infección por el nuevo coronavirus o COVID-19. Sin embargo, sus párrocos y yo estamos comprometidos a reducir el riesgo tanto como […]